TLDR: Slise builds a backbone for decentralized advertising enabling companies to acquire Web3-native users most efficiently. We started by building a Web3-native ad network covering 3M crypto users today and being used by industry leaders like MetaMask and PayPal. Next, we continue to build on our vision to connect all Web3 publishers and advertisers into a transparent decentralized ad ecosystem powered by wallet data and programmatic auctions.

*Quick points:

We’re building for tomorrow

Web3 Advertising is evolving rapidly and we at Slise stick to our mission to help build the Web3 ad ecosystem of tomorrow. We pioneered a data-driven approach and performance marketing in Web3 by building a leading web3-native ad network and leveraging onchain data for marketing. But the evolution of adtech doesn’t stop here.

2017-2021: 1990s era of advertising

Direct partnerships KOLs Spam

2022-2023: 2000s era of advertising

First ad networks Analytics Targeting

2024-… : Modern advertising

Programmatic bidding Open auction Wallet-targeting AI context

Ad networks and affiliate networks brought efficient advertising one step closer by aggregating demand and supply and providing a scalable way for advertisers to reach end-users. However, this market is still fragmented due to the exclusive partnerships and custom tech stacks that make the whole market less efficient.

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The next obvious progression step is a single protocol uniting ad providers and publishers in a free market powered via an open auction. Techniques like header bidding and RTB flipped Web2 adtech a decade ago and now present an integral part of any advertising stack. The ability to receive bids for an ad impression on a public ad exchange is going to introduce a real programmatic experience to web3 advertising and will help to maximize revenue and minimize the risks for all the participants in the market:

For publishers:

For ad networks:

For advertisers: